2h royalty-free nature ambiences
30+ WAV files • 48kHz/24bit • 2GB
Your curiosity about this new natural collection is more than justified: it is a MICRO-BOOM Library (download only) of geothermal sounds from geysers, mineral springs, steam vents, mud pots and fumaroles that slosh, splash, trumpet, boil and gush with an amazing variety of sounds. , necessarily engaging the listeners and enhancing the volcanic sound structures.
upwellings, geothermal, ambiences, bubbles, gurgles, chugging, water, hissing, steams, flowing, churning, splashes, simmering, snaps, clicks, boil, mineral, sorings, sputters, chirps, slobbery, geysers, vents, mud, pots, spurt, gush
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All files are obtained through and third party sites.
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we are simply giving you access to test these top rated access.